Hairball (trichobezoar) in a four year old girl
A four year old girl was brought to her pediatrician by her parents because of intermittent bilious emesis, which had…
Ruptured Ectopic Pregnancy
A 33 year old woman, para 2, presented to the emergency department with a report of vaginal bleeding and abdominal…
Transfer of a Toe to the Hand after scuba diving accident
Figure 1 A 38-year-old woman’s left thumb was amputated by a boat propeller while she was scuba diving, and it was…
Successful replantation of an amputated penis
In December 2012, a 35-year-old Berber man, without any past medical history, presented to our Emergency Department with incomplete amputation…
Lichtenberg Figures Due to a Lightning Strike
Figure 1 A 54-year-old man was struck by lightning and was initially stuporous. The emergency medical team found him conscious and…