Attacked from a bear while grazing his cattle

Attacked from a bear while grazing his cattle

medihelpJuly 28, 20202 min read

A 35 year old male patient reported to emergency OPD with history of bear attack when he had gone to the…

Agricultural Machine Accident

Agricultural Machine Accident

medihelpJuly 23, 2020

Sensitive image, Click to unblur and zoom. A 19-year-old man from Kosovo was working on a farm when an agricultural…

Anticoagulant-induced priapism progressing to penile gangrene: a devastating complication!

Anticoagulant-induced priapism progressing to penile gangrene: a devastating complication!

medihelpJuly 13, 2020

Case presentation A 35-year-old man, non-diabetic, non-hypertensive, married, having two children with normal erectile function, presented 4 h after sustaining gunshot…

The Big Bang: Facial Trauma Caused by Recreational Fireworks

The Big Bang: Facial Trauma Caused by Recreational Fireworks

medihelpJuly 11, 2020

Authors: Josher Molendijk, BSc, MSc,1 Bob Vervloet, BSc, MSc,1 Eppo B. Wolvius, DDS, MD, PhD,1 and Maarten J. Koudstaal, MD, DDS, PhD1 Case A…

Degloving Injuries of Upper Extremity

Degloving Injuries of Upper Extremity

medihelpJuly 5, 2020

CASE REPORT We present a case for a 38 years old male, who tripped on the platform besides the running…