G-Force injury
An 11-year-old boy who suffered horrific injuries doing a YouTube challenge still refuses to watch the video after realising how close it brought him to death. Tyler Broome took part in the ‘Roundabout of Death’ – where the back wheel of a motorbike is used to spin play equipment at great speed.

Tyler Broome suffered injuries usually only seen in fighter pilots after taking part in the ’roundabout challenge’
The schoolboy was immediately sick and collapsed after suffering injuries known as ‘redout’ during the incident in September 2018.
‘Redout’ is caused by extreme negative g-force and is usually only seen in fighter pilots. His mum, Dawn Hollingworth, said: ‘It really hit home to Tyler over Christmas – it was then that he realised that he was nearly killed. ‘Tyler has still not seen the video, he simply refuses to watch it whenever it is mentioned.
Although he was given the all-clear from his physical injuries just before Christmas, Tyler has been left been left needing regular counselling sessions to help him cope with what happened. Dawn, from Nottinghamshire, added: ‘Our concern now is how he recovers from the incident mentally, but we won’t see how much it will affect him until he gets older.

‘The only thing you can do as a parent is just take it in your stride and hope this doesn’t affect his adult life.’ She added that Tyler began playing rugby at the start of this year, and the club are trying to ensure he doesn’t suffer a bad head injury. But despite Dawn sharing photographs of Tyler’s horrific injuries, children have still been injured trying to emulate videos they have seen on the internet. One boy, in Wigan, was left with a headache and red spots around his eyes, which doctors said was caused by the spinning. He had reportedly been asked to join in the ‘game’ by older children in the park.

Police in the area have issued letters warning parents of the danger of the challenge. Dawn said that she was stunned to hear that this was still going on. She said: ‘I cannot believe that incidents like this are still happening. ‘When I shared photos that showed the extent of my son’s injuries, I thought that would stop children from ever doing this again. ‘I demanded more internet regulation back in September, but nothing seems to have moved on since then.’