BRIAN CAMAZINE, MD – GENERAL SURGEONbriancamazine@gmail.comEarthwide Surgical Foundation Last trip on Aug 1, 2015,  I encountered an incredible case. A poor little girl with a horrific tumor of the face. I do not know why it was not treated earlier. She came on the last day of the trip and I decided to just examiner […]

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Giant right coronary artery aneurysm- case report and literature review

Neerod K Jha,1Husam Z Ouda,2Javed A Khan,1Gregory P Eising,1 and Norbert Augustin1 Case presentation A 54 years-old-hypertensive male patient was presented to us with history of recent inferior wall myocardial infarction (MI) which was managed with medical treatment in the referring hospital. On clinical examination, there was a 3/6 ejection systolic murmur along the left lower sternal […]

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The relationship between depression and risk of metabolic syndrome: a meta‐analysis of observational studies

Clin Diabetes Endocrinol. 2021; 7: 4. Published online 2021 Mar 2. doi: 10.1186/s40842-021-00117-8 PMCID: PMC7923824 PMID: 33648597 Associated Data Data Availability Statement The datasets used and/or analyzed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request. Abstract Introduction The link between metabolic syndrome and depression has always been controversial. Different studies that […]

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Facial reconstruction after human bite injury

Garrison A Leach,1Jaclyn N Lundberg,1 and Travis C Holcombe2 Case presentation A 46-year-old male with a past medical history of hypertension presented to our trauma bay with complex injuries of the right nose and midface, which included an amputated nose, upper lip and right eyebrow approximately 40 minutes after an assault including numerous human bite wounds. His […]

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Cholesterol Gallstones

Cholesterol stones are formed when the bile is supersaturated with cholesterol, which may result from decreased bile acid production, increased cholesterol output in bile or both. Stone formation by cholesterol monohydrate crystals is enhanced by mucin hypersecretion and gallbladder hypomotility. Cholesterol stone formation is promoted by conditions that increase hepatic cholesterol excretion, such as oral […]

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Lower Lip and Chin Reconstruction with Functional Myocutaneous Gracilis Flap

Case Report: A 50-year-old man presented to the emergency room with a wide lower lip injury caused by a human bite that occurred 2 hours earlier, with avulsion of approximately 80% of the lip and 30% of the chin ( Fig. 1 ). The patient carried the avulsed tissue in an ice bag. Neither history of smoking nor […]

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