Pulsatile mass lesion of the scalp after blunt head injury

An 87-year-old woman presented to hospital with a progressive, painless pulsating lump in her right forehead. She had fallen and hit her right forehead 1 month prior. She had no neurological deficits. Physical examination revealed a 5 × 5 cm round mass of the right forehead (Fig. 1A). Ultrasonography showed a blood supply into the mass. Magnetic resonance imaging […]

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A 53-year-old patient suffered an impalement injury with a metallic drill, which had penetrated his neurocranium.

A 53-year-old patient suffered an impalement injury with a metallic drill, which had penetrated his neurocranium. The patient had tried to commit suicide, injuring himself in the thorax and head (Fig.6a, b). MDCT imaging displayed the position of the impacted drill, which had entered the skull at the front temporal cortex, and there was also […]

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Jaguar Attack on a Child: Case Report

Case Report A three-year-old Amerindian girl presented without warning to our emergency department (ED) in the country’s only tertiary care hospital, after being attacked by a jaguar in the remote Isseneru Village, Cuyuni-Mazaruni (Region 7), Guyana. This village is located near the large Mazaruni River, amid dense jungle about 40 air miles from the Venezuelan […]

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Successful removement of Interparietal Encephalocele: A Case Report

A neonate,18-day-old female baby presented with congenital scalp swelling and was evaluated by the neurosurgical team. Her mother belonged to a remote area where no prenatal ultrasonography was available; baby was delivered at a district hospital through LSCS. Scalp swelling progressively increased since birth. Complete physical examination of the baby revealed a congenital scalp swelling […]

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Successful treatment of a patient with an extraordinarily large deep burn

The patient is a 29-year-old male who was seriously burned by molten steel (about 1,500°C) from the top of the head throughout the body, in an accidental furnace explosion. Thirty hours after fluid resuscitation in a local hospital, he was referred to our hospital, when the patient was conscious and the vital signs were relatively […]

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Venous gangrene in a patient with metastatic cancer of the colon after chemotherapy

A 65-year-old male with colorectal cancer cT3N2M0 received concurrent chemoradiotherapy, and surgery and post-operative chemoradiotherapy for colorectal cancer ypT3N2M0 at the end of treatment in 2003. During follow-up visits at open-patient department in 2004, cystorectal fistula was suspected based on the complaints of terminal dribbling and gas passage from the urethra. Abdominal computed tomography (CT) scan revealed pericecal soft tissue infiltration […]

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Maxillofacial Injuries due to Bear Mauling

Case Report 1 A 40-year-old male patient was presented with severe maxillofacial injuries caused by bear attack. Patient had multiple skin lacerations resulting in exposure of underlying structures (parotid gland with duct, buccinators muscle, buccal pad of fat etc.) (Fig. 1) and was bleeding profusely from nose, and oral cavity. There were degloving injuries in upper […]

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A 30yo patient was brought to Oral and Maxillofacial surgery department with a penetrating facial injury by a wooden log passing through the lateral side of his face below the angle of mandible and protruding through oral cavity, causing comminuted fracture of mandible after a road traffic accident. There was moderate bleeding and respiratory distress. […]

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Squamous cell carcinoma in a child with xeroderma pigmentosum: Clinical response with photon beam radiation therapy

A 7-year-old male pupil presented to the radiotherapy outpatient department of our hospital with raised, everted, and ulcerated ulcer on the anterior tongue with associated oral fetor. There were associated progressive difficulty in swallowing, poor vision, and generalized scaly pigmented skin which the parents noticed about 11 months prior. There were multiple bleeding and pus-discharging […]

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Electric shock injury(7200 volts)

The injured patient is a lineworker who accidentally touched a high tension line without proper equipments. Despite the horrific injury, the patient was mostly fine after treatment. The injury related to electric shock depends on the magnitude of the current. Very small currents may be imperceptible or produce a light tingling sensation. A shock caused by […]

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Lateral knee discloation

A 76-year-old woman with obesity presented to the emergency department after being struck by a motor vehicle while walking to the store. She was awake and reported that her knee “bent the wrong way” as the vehicle hit her. Trauma evaluation revealed no intrathoracic or intraabdominal injuries. She had severe pain in the right knee […]

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Transsternal Gastric hernia

A 55-year-old man with diabetes presented with severe reflux, chronic cough, and aspiration pneumonia. An easily reducible hernia measuring 10 cm by 15 cm was noted in the area of the sternal defect (Panel A). Three years earlier, he had undergone coronary-artery bypass grafting, which was complicated by impaired sternal wound healing. Débridement was performed, […]

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The Boy Who Grew a New Brain: Understanding this Miracle from a Neuro-Quantum Perspective

NeuroQuantology | July 2018 | Volume 16 | Issue 7 | Page 39-48 | doi: 10.14704/nq.2018.16.7.1687 Pereira C., The Boy Who Grew a New Brain: Understanding this Miracle from a Neuro-Quantum Perspective Exceptions are not always the proof of the old rule; they can also be the harbinger of a new one. (Ebner-Eschenbach, 1994). Excerpts […]

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Ulcerative colitis in a Nigerian girl: A case report

Case presentation A 7 year old girl presented to the paediatric gastroenterology clinic at the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital (LASUTH), Ikeja with a history of prolonged diarrhoea of 10 weeks that progressed to frank haematochezia 2 weeks later. She also presented with abdominal pain weight loss of over 8 weeks duration. Stool was initially […]

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Trauma from car accident

Case Report A twenty-three-year old male patient was brought to our emergency service by an ambulance. Trauma mechanism reported by the paramedic team indicated that the patient was seated in the driver seat without his seatbelt on, and he had crushed his face to the steering wheel during the accident After the initial examination, it […]

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Metaplastic breast carcinoma with upper limb gangrene

Case presentation A 22-year-old nulliparous Chinese woman with no significant family history of cancer presented to a private medical center with a painless 5 cm swelling in the left breast. The swelling, which was first noticed 3 months earlier, increased in size gradually. There was no associated nipple discharge or swelling elsewhere. Core biopsy of […]

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The kiss of death: a severe allergic reaction to a shellfish induced by a good-night kiss.

REPORT OF A CASE A 20-year-old woman presented to an emergency department of a Mayo Clinic-affiliated hospital with sudden onset of lip angioedema, throat swelling, diffuse flushing, urticaria, abdominal cramps, nausea, wheezing, severe dyspnea, and hypotension (noninvasive blood pressure level of 80/50 mm Hg) that developed immediately after kissing her boyfriend. Intramuscular diphenhydramine and methylprednisolone, […]

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